
Showing posts from December, 2015

How To Enjoy A Short Break Close To Home

Hello Wonderful People! When you have the travel bug, you may be looking for any excuse to get out that door and back on the road. You don’t always need to travel that far to get a good experience either. There are many reasons why you might want to stay fairly close to home on your next adventure. You might have children you could need to rush back for. Perhaps you’ve just never got around to seeing what your home county really has to offer. Source

Christmas in London

Hello Wonderful People! It's that time of year again! Christmas is fast approaching and the new year is just round the corner. If, like me, you are super unorganised then you are starting to panic about Christmas shopping. I'm feeling super festive and my Christmas tree was up and decorated on December 1st, I'm just really struggling with the whole gift-buying situation. Every time I attempt to buy my nearest and dearest a present, I seem to get distracted by the wonderful Christmas attractions that London has to offer! And there are a lot of them, trust me! So, instead of using my time wisely to do a spot of online Christmas shopping, I'm going to recommend a whole bunch of things for you to do in London this Christmas!

Get the Most Out Of Every Country You Visit

Hello Wonderful People! If you’re like me you’ll love to make lists. It’s great fun to work out all the places you’d love to go to. It’s even better to make a list of all the things you could do when you get there. Sometimes though time is limited and you don’t feel like doing certain activities. Other times I'm just a bit lazy and go for the easy option. That’s often the case if you find yourself in a resort type holiday. Unbelievably it is possible to visit a country and never even experience it! Here are a few tips to get the most out of each destination. Hopefully, they’ll help you connect with the people and the place you are visiting. Source

2015 Travel Roundup: In Pictures

Hello Wonderful People! I can't quite believe we are now nearing December; 2015 has gone scarily quick! While I'm looking forward for what 2016 has to bring, I think it's also a good time to reflect upon the awesome year I've had. I've been lucky enough to go on 7 holidays this year as well as visit 2 new countries. So all in all, it's been a successful year for travelling! I've written about all my adventures throughout the year, but I thought it would be a great idea to give a visual recap of all the amazing things I've seen and experience in 2015! Hopefully it might provide you with some inspiration for travel ideas next year. I've already got 2 trips in the pipeline for 2016, but I hope to do a lot more and explore some new places too!