Bank Holiday Staycation

Hello Wonderful People! In case anyone needs reminding, there's a bank holiday weekend on the horizon and that's the only excuse I need to book a little get away; but where to go? Picking a new destination suitable for a weekend away can be tricky. Finding the right flight times to make the most of your trip, at the right price, can be an impossible task. Plus, the flight itself can take a good chunk of precious time away from your short break. I'm always so determined to jet off somewhere exotic that I fail to consider staying on this amazing little island. Opting to stay in the UK has its perks. Ok, the weather isn't always guaranteed, but if you can let that slide, bonny old England has a lot to offer. You could also save a lot of time and money in the process, which is always a bonus! So this bank holiday weekend, I'm going to treat myself to a good old fashioned staycation! Photo ...