Bank Holiday Staycation

Hello Wonderful People!

In case anyone needs reminding, there's a bank holiday weekend on the horizon and that's the only excuse I need to book a little get away; but where to go? Picking a new destination suitable for a weekend away can be tricky. Finding the right flight times to make the most of your trip, at the right price, can be an impossible task. Plus, the flight itself can take a good chunk of precious time away from your short break. I'm always so determined to jet off somewhere exotic that I fail to consider staying on this amazing little island. Opting to stay in the UK has its perks. Ok, the weather isn't always guaranteed, but if you can let that slide, bonny old England has a lot to offer. You could also save a lot of time and money in the process, which is always a bonus! So this bank holiday weekend, I'm going to treat myself to a good old fashioned staycation!
Photo credit: my lovely pal Joseph Birdsey

Living in London is amazing, but having spent the majority of my childhood in a small county village often leaves me craving fresh air and open spaces. With this is mind, a staycation in a big is off the cards for me. However, I'm pretty picky and also want to have easy access to shops, bars and restaurants. Essentially I want the best of both worlds; all the mod-cons of city life plus an added bit of nature and fresh air. Where, oh where am I going to find a place like this on our little island, I hear you ask? Brighton, of course (if you hadn't already guessed from the picture)!

The last time I visited Brighton, I must have been 6 years old and I have absolutely no memory of it. So a weekend away, with a group of my best mates, would be the perfect way to re-explore. I'm not holding my breath (and I also don't want to jinx it), but it would be an absolute dream if the weather was sunny. No one wants to trudge down the beach in the rain, pretending they're having a good time. Especially on a bank holiday. If the weather fairies are shining this bank holiday, then a day at the beach is an absolute must. In fact, I'd really like to live up to a stereotypical British beach holiday and have fish and chips for lunch and an ice cream for dessert.

Brighton is famous for its nightlife, so a night out on the Saturday would be an absolute must. After finding somewhere to eat, it would be nice to head to a cocktail bar then onto a club. Inevitably after a night out on the Saturday, Sunday might be a bit of a right-off. After a well deserved lie in, finding good food will be essential, and rumour has it that Brighton is a little haven for vegetarian eateries. After a bit of research, I came across the Food For Friends vegetarian restaurant and the menu looks absolutely amazing. I never really get the chance to go to an all vegetarian restaurant, so this would be the perfect opportunity to do so. I'm not quite sure how I'll cope with having so much choice; but it's a nice predicament to have.

After curing our hangovers with copious amounts of food, I'd like to spend the rest of Sunday exploring the city. Pottering around the shops, possibly treating myself to something new and grabbing a cake and coffee would be a lovely way to spend the day. Hopefully the weather will be nice, so the evening could be spent on the beach, with a picnic and glass of wine, watching the sunset. Bliss. 

Before heading home on the Monday afternoon, we would have to squeeze in a visit to the famous and iconic Brighton Pier. Wasting spare change on classic arcade games and taking a whirl on a fairground ride is always fun. I love fairgrounds and arcades, particularly as they allow you to regress several years and act like an excitable child for a couple of hours. And who wouldn't want to do that? Especially after an awesome bank holiday weekend spent with friends. Larking around on a fun-filled pier, releasing your inner child,  has to be the best way to end a staycation before heading back to the inevitable realities of adulthood.

I've written this post in the hope of being chosen to win the staycation competition run by Thinkmoney. If I'm lucky enough, I'll get £300 towards my dream bank holiday staycation. Is it too soon to pack my case!?
Photo credit: Joseph Birdsey


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