The London List: Sightseeing

Hello Wonderful People!

I've now been living in London for nearly 18 months and I feel like I'm stuck in this strange limbo. Half the time I still feel like a tourist in awe of this awesome city, and the other half of the time I'm rushing round with my head down, eager to get home. While it's nice to start feeling truly at home in this vast city, I don't want to slip into a routine where I take where I live for granted. In the past few months I've been guilty of falling into this routine; I went to work, went home, watched TV, went out in Brixton at the weekend, felt sorry for myself on a Sunday then back to work on Monday. Repeat, repeat, repeat. After realising what a boring fool I was becoming, I actually started doing and seeing things again! Surprisingly enough I was spoilt for choice.. so here are a few things I've done this month that I'd recommend. 

Columbia Road Flower Market
This flower market is beautiful and well worth a visit, even if flowers are your thing. You can pick up any and all types of flowers, plants and plant pots, seeds and blubs; you name it, they've got it. The smells and colours mixed with the shouts from the stall holders make this a great experience and lovely way to spend a Sunday morning.

Columbia Road Flower Market
Bend it Like Beckham
My friends and I had a spare afternoon, just after New Year, and decided to go and watch a matinee performance. We were on a tight budget and managed to get tickets to Bend it Like Beckham for just £15! I loved the film when I was younger and the play didn't disappoint. It's hilarious with some serious undertones and great songs. Definitely worth a watch.

Miss Saigon
I've got to admit, Miss Saigon has never been top of my list when it comes musicals. I don't know anything about the story and have never heard any of the songs. However, my dad got me tickets as a Christmas present and we went to see it last weekend. It was amazing. The actors were incredible and their voices really were something else. The underlying story was very emotional, I shed a few tears, but there was also added comedy to provide some light relief. It's currently in it's last few weeks before touring, so see it in London while you can! 

miss saigon
Lumiere Festival
This amazing light festival was on for a limited few days in January and really surpassed my expectations. Some friends and I braved the freezing weather one night after work to wander through the streets of Soho, Oxford Circus and Piccadilly Circus to discover the different light displays that were on show. Lumiere Festival had dozens of different light sculptures and installations dotted all over the city and some of them were truly amazing. My favourite one (pictured below) was a huge piece of material that was suspended over Oxford Circus and had different colours projected onto it.

Lumiere Festival
Have you been to check out any of these event? What did you think?


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