How To Turn Your Love Of Travel Into A Career

Hello Wonderful People!

Wouldn't it be great if we travel junkies could somehow make our expensive, but wonderful passion work for us? Well, it looks as if our prayers may finally have been answered. What am I talking about I hear you ask? Travelling isn't a job!

That's true, it's not, but travelling abroad can be made part of a job. Specifically, part of an internship. If you've got a dream career in mind, then, as we all know, internships are a good way of getting your foot in the door of your chosen industry. Now you can get on an internship in your chosen field and travel at the same time.

Wildlife Internships
Let's say your dream job is in wildlife conservations. Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) are now offering people like you the opportunity to train overseas. How does doing a tropical marine conservation internship in Cambodia sound? Good, right?

Internships allow you to get hands-on experience with wildlife. They also let you work alongside leading scientists in the field who'll be able to train you to a high standard.

But you also get that same experience that makes travelling our passion. Not only can you studying marine life and environmental conservation, you will also be working and living locally. If you travel to Cambodia for an internship for instance, you'll get to work and live in a traditional Cambodian fishing village. Amazing.


Medical Internships
But perhaps your dream careers is in medicine. Travelling abroad to do medicine can be both a rewarding and challenging experience. If you decide to take up an internship overseas, expect to find yourself in a place like Ghana, studying public health.

If you're up for it, you'll stay there for between four weeks and six months and you'll pay around $300 dollars per week. In return, you'll receive mentoring and training. You'll also coordinate with local public health institutions, and even undertake projects to deal with HIV. How great would it be to travel to one of the most undeveloped parts of the world and install some of the first medical technology to a region?

Journalism Internships
Journalism is another very competitive career choice for those wanting to be reporters and news writers. Going abroad for international NGO internships can help you get ahead of the competition.

Again, you get to combine your love of travel with pursuing your dream career. Imagine travelling to Thailand to get involved in the region's growing journalism industry. An internship here would not only mean getting to live in one of the most celebrated cultures on Earth but also allow you to kick start a creative career.


Have you ever worked while travelling? What did you do?


  1. Awesome Images you posted with your trip experience.. well, there are so many tourist attractions that you find on paris for Paris Short City Breaks. i would really love to travel a lot”


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