Travel Plans For The Year Ahead

Hello Wonderful People

Happy New Year and all that jazz! I still can’t quite believe we are now in 2016, the year I turn 26, officially making me the wrong side of 25. The best way to get over the inevitable fact of ageing? Planning out all my trips and holidays of course!! Now, we may only be 6 days into the year but I already have 5 holidays booked for the coming year. After all, 30 is slowly creeping up on me and I’ve got to achieve my goal of visiting 50 countries before the big 3-0!

I’m off to Barcelona next week, for a long weekend with my dad. I’ve been before, about 10 years ago, so I’m really looking forward to visiting again. Tapas and sangria are both top priorities, plus I’ve got tickets to a Barcelona game on the Sunday, which will be awesome!!

Skiing in Italy
Every year I go skiing with a group of mates, and every year the group seems to get larger!! We currently have 17 people booked onto our trip it Sauze D’oulx in Italy and it’s set to be an awesome holiday. Skiing is definitely up there with my favourite type of trip, being in the mountains is just amazing! I also got a new pair of ski boots for Christmas, so can’t wait to try them out!

I'm off to Latvia for the long Easter bank holiday weekend and I'm intrigued to see what it's like! Riga has been sitting high on many 'must see places of 2016', so I'm excited for my visit! Latvia is also celebrating it's 25th year of separation from Russia, and there will be lots of celebrations going on throughout the year, so it's a perfect time to go!

Now I know this isn't technically travelling, but it's one of my favourite ever places, so I've got to include it on the list! I've been lucky enough to secure my ticket for this years festival, making it my 8th visit to Worthy Farm. My year wouldn't be complete without my annual summer time trip to this amazing festival; it really is the best place on earth!

I'm going inter-railing around Eastern Europe at the end of the summer and I literally can not wait! I spend the majority of my time planning my route at the moment and I've got a few options! We will either be travelling from Berlin > Istanbul or Prague > Istanbul with a few different variations of countries in between! I really want to go to Lake Bled in Slovenia though, so the route will have to go via there! Watch this space.


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