Get the Most Out Of Every Country You Visit
Hello Wonderful People!
If you’re like me you’ll love to make lists. It’s great fun to work out all the places you’d love to go to. It’s even better to make a list of all the things you could do when you get there. Sometimes though time is limited and you don’t feel like doing certain activities. Other times I'm just a bit lazy and go for the easy option. That’s often the case if you find yourself in a resort type holiday. Unbelievably it is possible to visit a country and never even experience it! Here are a few tips to get the most out of each destination. Hopefully, they’ll help you connect with the people and the place you are visiting.
Check it out and look it up.These days it’s so easy to get a real feel for a place. Travellers love posting up their tales and adventures online. It doesn't matter where you want to go. Someone has been there before you. Avoid the clichéd view of a destination and look for the real juice. Hopefully the reviewer had a great time. If they did and sometimes if they didn’t, they’ll post up their advice.
You can find places to go for a great deal and know which places to avoid. That is true for France and Spain. It is true for Africa and Asia. A travel forum can be a rich mine of information. will answer just about any query you have on travelling to India, from places to stay and the best places to eat. Fill your list with things to do and make a note of things to avoid. Staying up to date is really important. You might find that ferry in Malaysia doesn’t run on the day you need it, and you’ll have to stay overnight in an unfamiliar place.
Eat your way around the world
Every destination has its star cuisine. Get away from the tourist areas and find out where real people eat their meals. This can often be a less expensive option. It might be in a place that on the face of it doesn’t look great, but the food is the key. Eat local from street markets in India and Thailand. Roadside stalls can offer fresh local delicacies. Look to eat fresh fruit being sold on the beach, or head into those little sleepy towns for cheap local options.
It pays to be familiar with the names of the things you want to try. If you are heading to Spain, you’ll want to make the most of tapas, and you’ll find these in many bars. Understanding some menu basics can go a long way. Beware of tourist versions. They are often more expensive and may be not be as good. Follow your nose and see where the locals are eating.
Embrace festivals and culture
Getting into the local museum can be fascinating and illuminating. These places will give you a snapshot of history and the people that live in a place. It can be humbling to read about the experiences of settlers and indigenous people alike. This can be something that is overlooked in a shiny resort, or in a town that has been highly developed,. Scratch the surface and get underneath to see what makes a place tick.
A real fun way of getting to know a place and the locals is by getting involved in a festival. From food to religious ceremonies, and from street art and carnivals to high end festivals you can find a great reason to party.
From fireworks to fiestas, there is a festival going on somewhere now. Pace yourself but set your spirit free and embrace all opportunities to get involved. Going to a new destination will be a richer and more rewarding experience if you dig just that little deeper.
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