The Definitive Guide to Gap Year Travel

Hello Wonderful People!

Taking a gap year can take a lot of preparation and planning. It isn’t something you can just rush into. Regardless of where you are in your planning process, this guide has information for all gap year wannabes to help you through.

Building up the courage
Taking the leap into the great beyond can seem like a terrifying thing to do. This might be the first time you've truly been away from home and all its comforts. Alternatively, it might also be that you are giving up a comfortable career for a taste of adventure. Don't let the fear worry you. If you know that you want to go travelling, just take the plunge.

Starting out
Think about where you want to go. Many people focus on one continent depending on their time restraints and their budget. If you are away for a whole year you could do a round the world trip. However, if you only have a few months you might want to pick one place and explore it to the max.

You should decide whether you want to travel and see many places, or remain in one place alone. Both have their merits. If you travel, you can explore many countries and many different places. If you live in one place, you can grow to understand the culture in a foreign environment and maybe even learn the language. For more ideas on where to go and what to do, check out the recommendations at The Leap.

Learn a few key phrases
Before you get to a new country, try your best to get some key phrases under your belt. Good morning, goodbye, please and thank you are the most important ones. If you can manage more, then you should. Things like, "can I have..." or "do you have..." are great to know how to say too.

Try everything
This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. You don't want to get to the end and wish you had taken that offer to go skydiving or bungee jumping. Do everything you want to do and more. Don't let fear hold you back from experiencing new things. At least if you give everything a go, you can cross some great stuff off your bucket list.

Check what vaccinations you need
Before you leave home, make sure you have received any vaccinations you need to travel. Some countries require you to have certain jabs in order to leave or enter. Plus, you may need things like malaria tablets if you are going somewhere tropical. Don't let you trip be ruined by bad planning. Talk to the nurse at your local health care centre and they will be able to tell you what you need to know.

You should also consider stocking up on over the counter medicines. Pack things like aspirin, diarrhoea tablets and travel sickness pills. It is better to be prepared for all situations than to be caught short. These things won't take up much room in your luggage either.

And whatever you do, do not leave home without travel insurance!

Think about your luggage
You want to think carefully about what sort of bag you will take with you. You don't want to be hiking across a dirt road whilst dragging a wheely suitcase. If you are doing to be on the move a lot, a large backpack would be ideal. You can pick it up, put it on your back and be ready to go. If you are staying in one place, then a suitcase might be a better option. With rucksacks you can get different types. Some open up fully when you lie them down flat and others only open at the top meaning you have to dig around for everything.

Don't pack too much
When you have decided on your luggage, it is time to start packing. Think about the climate of the place you are going to and plan accordingly. Do you think you will be able to buy the things you need as you travel? If you are going somewhere tropical to begin with, only take clothes for warm weather. You can post a lot of stuff back home once you are done with it. When you then move onto the colder climate be sure to buy a warm jacket and trousers. Places like charity stores are great for bargains.

Regardless of how carefully you think you have packed, you will undoubtedly have packed too much. Try laying out all the items you want to take and then cutting the number in half.


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