4 Easy Ways To Save Money On Your Travels

Hello Wonderful People!

Going on holiday is an exciting part to anybody’s year. You spend the weeks leading up to it bursting with excitement. But then you realise you’ve got hardly any money left to enjoy your trip to it’s fullest. Here are four easy ways you can save money when booking your holiday. Meaning you get to spend what you save on having a great time instead.

Don’t rely on your travel agent
It’s very convenient to go to your local travel agents and for them to give you a deal that includes everything. However, it can be more beneficial to your budget if you find your own deals. There might be a flight that leaves an hour earlier that’s substantially cheaper. Or a similar quality hotel that is cheaper than the travel agent’s suggestion. It’s best to do some research on the kind of places you want to stay to compare the best deals. If you prefer using a travel agent why not print out the great deals you find to show them. This may make them reduce the price of your holiday and if not you can always use the deals you have found instead.

Look for discounts and promotions
There are plenty of websites that now offer great discounts on holidays and accommodation. Groupon is a popular choice as they offer deals in the UK and abroad for great prices. You can set up emails alerts with them featuring specific keywords, such as budget hotel in Kuala Lumpur. Anytime these words come up in a deal you will be the first to be informed. Another great tip is to try and book your flights mid-week. The airlines will feature great promotions during the week that they will tend to remove before the weekend. So keep your eyes peeled. Also, check out secret hotel websites. This is where hotels will list rooms they have available last minute, that they want to fill. This can mean they drop the price considerably to encourage people to book with them. So you can get great quality hotel rooms for a cut price cost.

Order currency online
Again the best deals are online. Keep an eye on the exchange rates in the weeks leading up to your trip. They are likely to increase and decrease on an almost day to day basis. By keeping an eye on it in advance, you can order your currency at a fantastic rate. Meaning you get a lot more for your money. Remember withdrawing money overseas can include withdrawal charges. Make sure you take plenty of cash with you so that you can reduce the cost of these unnecessary fees.

Fly at unsociable hours
Knowing the cheapest times to fly is an ideal way of saving you money. Weekends will be the busiest and most expensive time to fly. Try to go for night time or very early morning flights. These won’t be ideal for everybody so the airlines will reduce the prices of the seats. You may be tired, but you will have saved yourself more money than the people on the next flight.

These four ways should help you find the very best deal for your dream holiday. The more money you save, the more fun you can have. Get finding those deals for your next trip now!!


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