Signs You're Suffering From Wanderlust

Hello Wonderful People

As someone who suffers from a chronic case of Wanderlust, I've come to notice a few of the tell tale signs and symptoms. If you find yourself lusting after holidays and can't help checking Skyscanner twice daily for cheap flights, then you too may be a victim of the wanderlust travel bug.
Map of Europe
You spend 97% of your time browsing for flights
Suffering from wanderlust means you're always on the look out for your next get away. Skyscanner has become the holy grail and you're always tempted to book a city break, thanks to the crazy deals on European flights. This is a massive problem for me, I'd actually say I have a borderline addiction. I've downloaded every flight comparison app going and have signed up to every holiday website out there. My friends have even started coming to me for holiday deals, as I spend so much time looking for cheap flights. I might have to consider changing careers and become a travel agent.

You day dream of living abroad 
This is often a result of finding bargain flights or a great round the world ticket deal. One minute you're casually browsing Skyscanner, looking for flights that take your fancy. The next minute, you've found a one way ticket to Bolivia and have already planned your life there. Sure you can't speak the language and it's on the other side of the world. But who cares? You'll be living in South America and everything will be fine, because.. TRAVEL. After a while, you quickly reconsider and look for flights to Australia; a much more reasonable choice. You've found the flights, researched visas, picked out a penthouse apartment in Sydney and can picture yourself having cocktails by the Opera House. Then BAM. You surface from your day dream and realise you've planed a new life in several countries. One day my friend, one day.  
Whenever someone goes on holiday, you feel an intense sense of jealousy
Whenever you're away travelling or on holiday, you immediately fill all your social media feeds with pictures, statuses and airport check-ins. However, if anyone dares to do the same while they're on holiday and you're stuck at home, there will be hell to pay. You spend enough of your time dreaming about traveling or your next trip; so to have a constant reminder that someone is enjoying themselves abroad while you're stuck at home does not help matters. This sense of jealousy increase if said person has been somewhere you've been before or if they're visiting a place you've always wanted to. Damn them, that should be you!

You dream of savings for trips, not mortgages
If someone asks me if I've started saving for a mortgage, I look at them like they've come from another planet. First of all, I live in London and all my money goes on rent. Secondly, if I manage to save any money, it goes straight towards booking a holiday. I've obviously got my priorities sorted. If you too lust after holidays, rather than squirrelling away all your money for a house deposit, then I salute you. No, it's not the practical solution, but it's the more enjoyable and exciting one. You're going to be working for the next 50+ years of your life. So live a little now, and book those trips. Saving is for losers, anyway.


  1. Thanks for a nice read. I love it. I love it so much that the greedy gnome in me wants more ....


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