The London List: Sightseeing

Hello Wonderful People!

I've successfully managed to tick off both things off my 'Wish List' from my previous Sightseeing post. Hurrah for me! My dad came to London a few weeks ago, so I had a great excuse to check out a few more sights! Plus, the weather is really hotting up, so I can't wait for the summer events to start!!


Billy Elliot
I absolutely love going to the theatre and I haven't been to see a show in a while, so was really looking forward to Billy Elliot. I went to watch a matinee performance with my dad and his girlfriend and had high expectations. I love the film so was excited to see the stage adaptation and I was not disappointed. It was amazing! Definitely worth a watch and the boy is so talented, it's unbelievable. Bring a tissue though, it's emosh in places!
The Natural History Museum Lates
On the last Friday of every month the National History Museum opens it's doors for a late night session. You can wander round the museum after hours, with a glass of wine, exploring what the different exhibitions have to offer. This was a nice way to spend a Friday evening; however I found the Science Museum Lates more enjoyable, as there was much more to do and it was way more interactive.
Sky Garden
On the top floor of the famous 'Walkie Talkie' building in The City you'll find the Sky Garden. You get amazing panoramic views of the whole city and there's also a nice cafĂ©/bar and two restaurants if you fancy something to eat or drink. Don't expect to be thrilled by the 'garden' though.. It's pretty much just a few plants and trees that run up each side of the building. Definitely worth a visit though, and it's free!


  1. I'm still planning on seeing Billy Elliott either in London or in Scheveningen (the Netherlands). And yes to the other two attractions on your list! Both are great!


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