The Liebster Award

Hello Wonderful People!

I've been nominated for the Liebster Award by my lovely pal Brooke from Surrey vs London, and I'm freaking excited!! If you live in London (or Surrey) then you have to check out Brooke's blog for all the best places to eat and drink in the city. Plus, she recommends some tasty recipes for you to try at home. Winner. I'd never actually heard of this award until I was nominated, so I've done a little research and think it's an awesome idea! Read on, read on, for my nominations, questions and answers!

Liebster Award


Thank the blogger who nominated you
Nominate 5 bloggers with less than 1000 followers
Answer the 5 questions from the blogger who nominated you
Think of 5 different questions to ask the 5 bloggers you nominated


London LA Life

The Thrifty Gypsy

While I'm Young and Skinny

To The Days Like This

Bound to the Sea


1. What made you start blogging?
I started blogging after I got back from travelling as a way to document my experiences. I did try blogging while I was away, but it was hard to find the time and a good internet connection! I've now been blogging for about a year and a half and cover all things travel and life in London.

2. What is your fave city in the world?
This is a tough one, as I have a few favourites for different reasons. If I had to choose though, I'd probably go for Sydney. It has everything.. the weather, beaches, big city vibes. I love it!

3. What is your no.1 go to beauty item?
I do love a bit of foundation and mascara, but my go to beauty item has to be nail varnish! I have a box filled with every colour possible and it's extremely rare to see me without painted nails.

4. What is your fave restaurant/ type of food?
I don't really have a favourite restaurant, I have several that I love depending on what type of food I fancy. My favourite type of food has to be Indian though. I love it!

5. Do you blog full time? If not, what is your “normal” job?
Sadly, I'm not a full blogger it's purely a lovely little hobby. I work in marketing as a Website Assistant, so it's loosely related to blogging, as I spend my days online maintaining several brand websites.

My Questions to you...

1. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
2. What can't you live without while travelling?
3. What country/ city would you most like to visit?
4. Where is the best place you've been to?
5. If you won the lottery right now, what would you spend it on?


  1. Thanks for the nomination! Like you, I am not a full-time blogger, but have a 9-5 which pays the bills. For now. ;)


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