5 Types of People You'll Meet While Travelling

Hello Wonderful People!

One of the best things about travelling has to be meeting so many different people along the way. Life long friendships can be formed in dingy hostel dorms and you'll share amazing experiences with people you may never meet again. Travelling is all about discovering new places and embracing different cultures and ways of life. However, you're guaranteed to bump into a few regular personalities along the way.

1. The Gap-Yah Kid
You know the sort. Fresh out of 6th form, doing a gap-yah before university because mummy and daddy want them to broaden their horizons. Absolutely everything will have to be documented on their Instagram/ Twitter/ Facebook/ every social media app going. A check in or status update is also mandatory whenever they arrive somewhere new or do something totally awesome. To be fair to them, they love to get involved in everything and are super enthusiastic. However, you'll usually find them vomming or passed out by around 12am, as they went a bit too heavy on the buckets.

2. The Hanger-onner
This person has been on the backpacking scene for years and has a 'been there, done that' attitude to everything. They're usually a fair few years older than the rest of the backpackers in the hostel and love to impose their 'travelling wisdom' on anyone who's foolish enough to listen. Never tell them your travel plans as they'll always have a story to top it. 'Oh you're going to ride an Elephant? I did that 3 years ago and wrestled 4 tigers while balancing a chicken on my head. It was awesome.' I'm 99% sure that they never actually leave the hostel and spend most of their time trying to impress newbies. Go home my friend, go home.

3. The One on a Mission
This person is usually British and is probably the sole reason for the 'Brits Abroad' stereotype. They're extremely easy to spot. Tell tale signs are as follows; beers with breakfast, smashed by 11am, trying any and all drugs at once, washed down with 6 Jager-bombs, jumping off things, being loud and obnoxious in the name of 'banter', spoiling for a fight, arm/leg in a cast or bandage, vomiting at 6am in the dorm room every night without fail.. the list goes. It's funny the first time, mildly amusing the second time, but by the 19th episode, you'd quite like to punch them shouting 'GROW UP'. Don't get me wrong, I love a drink, but they seem to be on a one-man mission to kill themselves or end up in hospital. No body wants to deal with that shit.

4. The 'I'm on a journey to find myself' hippy
While they mean well and their heart's in the right place, this type of traveller can be a tad on the annoying side. Yes, going travelling is bound to change you in some way. But this person seems hell bent on shunning all types of fun in an attempt to be 'at one with the world'. You'll find them meditating in the mornings and writing in their cutesy homemade diary in the evenings. Each to their own and all that, but they should really let their hair down once in a while. Maybe a night on the town with the above mentioned 'one on a mission' would sort them out.

5. The Loner
I'm never quite sure if this person genuinely wanted to come travelling in the first place, or if they're doing it to serve some kind of punishment. They very rarely, if ever, get involved with group activities and like to spend the majority of their time in the hostel, not doing much. Trying to get them to join in can be a painful experience and you'll only try it a few times before giving up. You'll usually find them fast asleep in their bed for the majority of the day, or reading a book/ watching a film in the common area. If you ever ask them to join you in an activity, they'll usually come up with an excuse to stay in and may even promise to join you next time. Rest assured, this will never happen.

Rant over.


  1. Great description! Don't forget about the "normal" traveling people, doing it just to enjoy the experience, no annoying or great philosophy attached :)

    1. Exactly, the 'normal' people are in the majority of travellers :) x


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