50 Shades of Grey: The Premiere

Hello Wonderful People!

On Thursday evening I was lucky enough to attend the 50 Shades of Grey film premiere in Leicester Square. I've never actually read the books, but considering how much publicity they've had over the past few years, plus all the hype surrounding the film, I had a pretty good idea of the plot and general shenanigans of the story. 

As I'm not an A list celebrity this was (unsurprisingly) my first film premiere and I had no idea what to expect. We headed to a hotel in Leicester Square to pick up our tickets, then treated ourselves to a cocktail before hitting the red (or in this case, grey) carpet. Once we'd finished our drinks, for some much needed Dutch courage, we headed outside, where security let us through the crowd barriers and onto the carpet. This was possibly one of the most surreal moments of my life. Walking down the carpet, having photos and seeing celebrities and film crews was pretty bizarre, but also crazy amazing. I also walked past Jamie Dornan while he was giving an interview, and oh my gaaaaad he is beautiful. I'm completely in love.

Once we were ushered into the cinema, we were obviously guided to front row seats with the cast and director. I WISH. Instead we were sat right on the very back row, where we belong. We were given a free box of Lindor chocolates and a bottle of water though, so I can't complain too much. Before the film started highlights from the red carpet were shown then the director of the film, Sam Taylor-Johnson, author of the book E.L. James and leading actors Jamie Dornan and Dakota Johnson took to the stage to give a small speech. Formalities over with, the film finally began.

I wouldn't quite say 50 Shades of Grey completely lived up to my expectations, but I did enjoy the film. It was longer than I expected and as it doesn't have the strongest of storylines, it tended to be a little slow paced. It was also a lot tamer than I was expecting. Even though I've not read the book, many of my friends have and I've heard several examples of the raunchy and explicit things that Mr Grey is into. The hype surrounding the film also suggested that it was going to be pretty racey. So I was left rather disappointed at the rather tame version depicted in the film. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't expecting a full on porno, but I'm pretty sure I've seen more explicit content in the Inbetweeners Movie. However, the whole film was totally worth it, as you get to see Jamie Dornan strip on several occasions, and that my friends is a very pretty sight.


  1. Haha! So cool you got to go to the premiere. I am going tonight for a laugh!

    1. Yeah it was crazy, so lucky! Enjoy tonight, it's worth a watch :)


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