Top 5 Things to do in New Zealand

Hello Wonderful People!

New Zealand is a pretty amazing place. There is SO much to do here, it really is impossible to say what you should and shouldn't see. I was only there for a month and managed to pack in a lot of stuff, but there's still so much more I could have done! For those who may be visiting New Zealand, and don't have lots of time on their hands, I've tried (and it was a toughie) to pick out my 5 favourite things that I think everyone must see or do in this beautiful country.

Visit the Shire
Even if you aren't a massive Lord of the Rings fan, a trip to Hobbiton is a must! Going to an actual film set is pretty cool, and you get to learn loads about the production of a huge movie. Plus you get a free pint at the end, surely that's reason enough? But if you are a LOTR fan, then I don't really need to persuade you; it'll be the best thing you do. I LOVED IT.

Head to the Mountains
There is no shortage of mountains in New Zealand that's for sure. If you love your snow sports then hit the slopes at one of the many ski resorts in the South Island. If skiing isn't your thing, you can always check out one of the glaciers. Franz Joseph or Fox Glacier are both popular and you can do several tours depending on time and budget!

Party in Queenstown
For a pretty small town, this place has a stupid amount of bars and clubs, making the nightlife scene the best in New Zealand. They don't mess around in Queenstown, you can buy drinks that come in a 2 pint glass. Go for a bevvie and you'll be dancing on the tables and doing teddy bear rolls around the dance floor before you know it. Seriously, this place is awesome.

Get an Adrenaline Rush 
New Zealand is the adrenaline capital of the Southern Hemisphere, so it would be rude not to dabble in a bit of excitement. Depending on how much of a daredevil you are, you can have a go at several adrenaline pumping activities. Be it skydiving, white water rafting, bungee jumping or the Nevis swing, you've got to give one of them a go!


Go for a Walk
It's free, it's easy and it's the best way to take in all of New Zealand's stunning scenery. If (like me) you aren't the fittest beaver in the universe, then you don't have to go on an 8 day hike to appreciate what New Zealand has to offer. I did loads of walks and got to see some pretty amazing sights, without breaking a sweat or having a heart attack. However, if walking is your thing there are also loads of tours you can take; climb a volcano or hike up a glacier, whatever tickles your pickle.


  1. I think visiting The Shire would be my number one thing I would HAVE to do! Amazing

    1. It was definitely my number one, I loved it! I'm such a Lord of the Rings geek though, I was in heaven haha!


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