I think it's time to document the most amazing four months of my life...

Hello wonderful people! 

As you may or may not know, I have just returned from four months travelling and it's safe to say I had the most spectacular time of my life! Before I embarked upon my adventure I had planned to write a travel blog, so all those at home could follow my antics and keep in touch. However, this didn't go according to plan as it proved to be pretty tricky accessing the internet in the majority of places I went to. Therefore, I've decided to create this blog, partly to reminisce about the crazy times I had and partly to articulate my experiences and thoughts on travel and tourism as a whole.

Prepare for some cracking pictures, anecdotes, travel guides, personal opinions and feelings of jealousy as I attempt to recall my travel diaries while the memories are still fresh!

Koh Rong

Ta ta!


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