Full Moon!

One beach, 35,000 people, copious amounts of cheap alcohol, multi-coloured buckets, glow paint everywhere and one full moon; welcome to Koh Phangan! It's fair to say that the Full Moon Party has a fearsome reputation and while I was super excited to experience the madness of this infamous beach party, I was also a little nervous.

As I walked down the main street towards the beach, following the glow paint covered, luminous t-shirt wearing crowd, nothing could prepare me for the sheer craziness that greeted me. As I stepped onto the beach, a girl was being strechered off and I thought to myself 'what am I letting myself in for?!' The beach was one heaving mass of multicoloured people, illuminated by flashing lights and lasers, all dancing to a haze of songs being blasted from the various bars. 
I spent the majority of the night dancing on various stages, benches, tables and podiums as dancing on sand is unbelievably tricky. I also made around 63 new best friends, all of which I have never seen or talked to again, but that's the beauty of Full Moon. You pre drink with a bunch of people from your hostel and lose them on the way to the beach. Then you start dancing with a crowd of randomers who you also quickly lose when you wander off for another bucket of rum. But that doesn't matter because by this point you've sat down with another group and joined in with their game of I have never. There are so many people at Full Moon, the majority of who have the same mind set, that everyone is super friendly and just up for a good time.
In recent times, especially in the months leading up to my travelling trip, horror stories and Full Moon parties went hand in hand. Theft, assault, drugs and death were all major headlines in a media frenzy surrounding Full Moon. While all of these were tragic events, I didn't see, or hear of any trouble during my experience of the Full Moon. There are obviously going to be certain individuals out to cause trouble, but that's the same in any British or European city. I would 100% recommend going to the Full Moon party, because it was one pretty crazy experience. However, if you're worried my best advice would be to use your common sense and take certain precautions, so you don't fall victim to any wrong doing. For example, I didn't take any valuables out with me; no handbag, camera, phone or purse. I simply kept my money in a friends security belt and everything was fine. It also goes without saying, don't take any drugs - not only for your own safety, but also because the Thai police are super hot on drug use and they have pretty strict laws on drug taking. And finally, while the super cheap alcohol is a great temptation for Brits abroad, don't go too mental. It's easy to lose your friends and you don't want to end up passing out on the beach, or even worse in the sea.
Safety lecture over, all in all the Full Moon was amazing. A whirl wind of music, colour, people and sand, it was definitely one of life's experiences. I finally stumbled home at about 9am, after watching the sun rise with a bunch of new friends I never saw again. And when I left the beach it was still 50% full, and I'm pretty sure those people partied on well into the morning, and maybe afternoon. But that's what Full Moon does; you just don't want it to end, you don't want to leave.
Sadly, I only have pictures from pre drinking at the hostel, as I didn't take my camera to the beach!
Full Moon Party
Full Moon Party
Full Moon Party
Full Moon Party
Full Moon Party



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