30 Countries Before I'm 30

Hello Wonderful People! I created a bucket list a few years ago and at the ripe old age of 24, I've managed to tick a fair few goals off that list. There's still so much more I want to achieve, see and experience, but I've made pretty good progress and have already done so many things, been to loads of places and experienced some crazy shit. But this week I've ticked one thing off my bucket list, that I see as a great personal achievement. Now, if you haven't already gathered, I love travelling, it is possibly one of the best things you can do. So a couple of years ago, I set myself the goal of visiting 30 countries before the age of 30. This week, after visiting Morocco, I just reached my target, 30 counties over 6 continents. GO ME. So I'm now going to change my target to a more ambitious 50 counties before I'm 30. That averages out at around 5 new counties a year, which fills me full of excitement at all the new places I'm yet to discover! ...