
Showing posts from December, 2013

Bondi Beach

Hello Wonderful People!   I’d heard amazing things about Bondi Beach, it was apparently stunning and one of the most beautiful beaches in the world. What a disappointment it turned out to be. I did visit on a very grey rainy day, but despite the weather I still couldn't understand how this beach was so famous for its beauty? Yes, it was an nice large beach, but I don't think it exactly deserves its legendary status. Maybe I’d hyped it up too much in my head, but I’ve seen so many beautiful beaches in South East Asia, this one didn't even come close. Sorry Aus, you lose points on this.

Sydney Baby (Opera House Love)

Hello Wonderful People!   After spending my first week in Australia in Melbourne and loving the vibe of the city, I didn’t think Sydney could live up to my expectations. My first impression of the city wasn’t that amazing, I still loved Melbourne and nothing was going to change that. This opinion soon changed as I slowly began to fall in love with this wonderful city.

Great Ocean Road

Hello wonderful people!   Before going to Australia I was pretty ignorant to the majority of things to see and do there. I just thought I'd pop to the Opera House, have a quick dip in the Great Barrier Reef and annoy a few kangaroos and that would be it. While I obviously did those three stereotypical things, I also discovered a huge array of other touristy things to do, that I had no idea existed. So when I got to Melbourne and saw around one billion adverts for Great Ocean Road, I thought it was probably worth checking out, even though I had no clue what it was. All I can say is, the trip did not disappoint!  

G'day From Down Under!

Hello wonderful people! After South East Asia the next stop on my magical mystery travelling tour was Australia. My expectations of Aus weren't the best to be honest. After the crazy culture shock that SE Asia gave me I didn't think any other country could compare to those that I'd just visited. To tell the truth I wasn't even that excited to visit Aus, as I thought it would just be your bog standard westernised country with not much to offer other than good weather. How wrong I was. While I loved the SE Asian countries for their diversity and contrast to England, I completely fell in love with Australia for reasons unknown. Even though my expectations weren't that high to start off with, they were completely blown out of the water as I spent more time in this amazing country.

Farewell Asia: Top 5 Things I Don't Miss

Hello wonderful people! As my time in Asia came to a close I began to think about all the things I would miss about my time travelling through these amazing countries. Like the true Brit I am, I obviously thought I'd miss the weather the most. While it was super hot ALL the time, I'd finally got used to the humidity and the endless sunny days were amazing! I also didn't want to lose my beautiful tan that I'd acquired over the 6 weeks, I'm not even joking I could have been mistaken for a local I was that amazingly tanned. *Sobs at the thought of how pale I now am.* So, yes, I was going to miss the weather A LOT. Going from a super laid back lifestyle, back to the hectic western regime was also going to be a toughie. I'd started to get used to Asia time and the thought of getting a train on time, or eating a meal at the same time in a restaurant really started to freak me out. I was also definitely going to miss the stunning scenery and the wonderfully...